I've been doing what I can for gradual cleanup, but if any other fans are around and are able to, I've been taking note of things that could probably need a few hands.
Episode articles. Been thinking the BOTP and G-Force changes (as well as Eagle Riders I guess) could even be potentially split into their own articles for their versions of the episodes, compared to trying to catalog things in the way I did when younger (but that might have been too busy). Looking at the way the Battle of the Planets fansite considers BOTP its whole own thing, due to the amount of alterations and confusing things like the episode order. Gatchaman II and Fighter need theirs done too.
CROWDS articles. I don't loathe CROWDS, though feels like with how information on it is spread out despite being more recent, plus the energy crash I feel when trying to observe and edit anything to do with it, some fresh eyes or other perspectives might also be good.
Same goes for Infini-T Force...just been trying to figure what would be good for revamping those pages, but static comes up in the brain. Feel like the live-action movie needs a complete summary too, but meh.
Staff and voice actor pages are something to slowly roll out, but I don't want them to be complete copypasta of Wikipedia pages so that takes some thinking.
Clean up the categories! There seem to be redundant ones, and it'd be good to get everything unified; eg consolidate "Males" and "Male characters"/"Females" and "Female characters", and delete or merge other duplicate categories. I'm not so good at this, so if anyone...
I've seen some other edits lately and don't want to be rude or indirect on those, just trying to gauge how many pages could be needed for the comic. Some characters in the Mad Cave comic seem pretty vague and not enough to write about for individual articles, though I guess we'd have to see if the trainees get enough for those.
It's unfortunate that there weren't any Tatsunoko fans that contacted William Ross while he was still around, since I feel that could've given us a good confirmation of some things about their old dubs and an answer whether or not they were behind any "Gutman". I'm not sure if any old-school guys like Andy Shepherd (who I've heard about but can't find a contact for) have anything like "Gutman" in their lists of works Ross recounted, although there's proof at least "Space Ace" and "Gazula" could be attributed to Frontier Enterprises and that they had a lot of works that just didn't sell or emerge too.
Though following on that thought, I do wonder if there are any Tatsunoko former staff that may be the lead to anything about the once-mythical "space" pitch that became Tekkaman. Takao Koyama's still with us as of now, though he may or may not have been present for that planning or recall anything, and I feel wary of bothering as an overseas fan the way I've seen some DBZ fans be relentless with questions.
Thoughts? Anything else you think should be added to the wiki?